In a previous blog, I discussed the pros and cons of getting dog insurance. After extensive research, plan and price comparement, I have composed a list to help others with their dog insurance quotes. While having insurance may seem futile, it can come in handy when a serious accident occurs for your furry friends. Keep in mind that these quotes are based on a 2 year old German Shepherd. These are the pet insurances listed in the order from worst to best. Criteria examined are pricing, ease for understanding, deductibles, amount allowed, and if the price increases with the dog's age.

#5 Nationwide
36.89$ per month
250$ Deductible
Defined Annual Benefits
For a plan that includes 90% refund on vet bills with an unlimited anual limit the price is 90.95$.There is a multipet discount of 5%. The price increased to 63.81$ per month if Athena was 6 years of age.
#4 Pet Plan

44.04 $ per month.
Includes a 5,000$ Max Annual Payout
500$ Deductible
80% Re-imbursement
Pet plan does not offer a multipet discount. If Athena's age was increased to 6 years, her plan would cost 96.44$ per month.
#3 Pets Best (Progressive)

26.96$ per Month, No routine Care
Accident, Illnesses, Cancer and Hereditary Conditions, Emergency Care, Rx, & Surgeries
Annual Coverage Unlimited
Deductible 1,000$
Re-imbursement 90%

Best Wellness (Add 26$)
Essential Wellness (Add 16$)
This is for routine care.
With age increased to 6 years, the price is 42.64$ per month. There is a 5% discount offer for a multipet plan.
#2 Embrace (Geico)
22.18$ per month Comprehensive Policy
Annual Re-imbursement 10,000$
Annual Deductible 500$
Re-imbursement 70%
Additional Wellness packages available for 250$, 450$, and 650$.
At age 6, the price of the plan would be 37.59$ per month. This plan does offer a 10% multipet discount.
#1 Prudent Pet Insurance

Excellent Options
Layout of price difference
Accident-Only Coverage Available
Preventive Health Addition (9.95$/month)
Prime Preventative Addition (24.95$/month)
The price increases for comprehensive coverage for dogs with age. At 6 years of age, it is about 10$ per month more. The price is unchanged for the Accident-only coverage. There is not a discount offered for this plan.

Many Pawsitive wishes in your searches for the right pet insurance!